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Table of Contents for NEW Word Problem Lessons
Listed below are word lessons that focus on giving students instruction on how to solve most types of word problems commonly found in algebra, geometry, and trigonometry.
As of September 3, 2019, all WORD Problem tutorials have been reprogrammed as lessons with answers .

A "horn" means that the lesson has audio recordings; while lessons without any audio files have the icon .

Please update your personal links. The URLs for the pages in this new format are not the same as before.

Worksheets which provide practice with word problems scenarioes can still be located through our search engine as "Word Problem Exercises."
Word Lesson: Border Problems
Word Lesson: Coin Problems
Word Lesson: Compound Interest
Word Lesson: Computing Percents
Word Lesson: Continuously Compounded Interest
Word Lesson: Distance I (d = rt)
Word Lesson: Distance II (Systems of Equations)
Word Lesson: Exponential Decay
Word Lesson: Exponential Growth
Word Lesson: Linear Programming
Word Lesson: Linear Regression
Word Lesson: Logarithmic Models
Word Lesson: Mixtures
Word Lesson: Percent Increase and Decrease
Word Lesson: Proportions
Word Lesson: Quadratic Evaluation at a Point
Word Lesson: Quadratic Max/Min Application - Projectiles
Word Lesson: Quadratic Max/Min Application - Rectangular Areas
Word Lesson: Quadratic Regression
Word Lesson: Rates, Salaries, and Commissions
Word Lesson: Ratios
Word Lesson: Test Averages
Word Lesson: Ticket Sales
Word Lesson: Working Together

Word Lesson: Area and Perimeter of Circles
Word Lesson: Area and Perimeter of Parallelograms
Word Lesson: Area and Perimeter of Rectangles
Word Lesson: Area and Perimeter of Trapezoids
Word Lesson: Area and Perimeter of Triangles
Word Lesson: Circles - Angles from Secants and Tangents
Word Lesson: Circles - Properties of Chords
Word Lesson: Circles - Segments from Secants and Tangents
Word Lesson: Volume and Surface Area of Cones
Word Lesson: Volume and Surface Area of Cylinders
Word Lesson: Volume and Surface Area of Prisms
Word Lesson: Volume and Surface Area of Pyramids
Word Lesson: Volume and Surface Area of Spheres

Word Lesson: Angles of Elevation and Depression
Word Lesson: Area and Perimeter of Parallelograms
Word Lesson: Area and Perimeter of Triangles
Word Lesson: The Law of Cosines
Word Lesson: The Law of Sines
Word Lesson: Modeling with Sinusoids 1
Word Lesson: Modeling with Sinusoids 2
Word Lesson: Vectors Non-Right Trianges - Resultants/DotProducts
Word Lesson: Vectors Right Triangles - Components/Resultants

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